Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager

Dr.-Ing. Kai Gellert

Akademischer Rat
(tenured researcher)


Campus Freudenberg
Building FME, Room 2.12

Google Scholar

Short Vita

I work as a tenured researcher (Akademischer Rat) at the chair for IT Security and Cryptography since 2021. Before that I was a research assistant (and PhD student) at Paderborn University from 2017-2019 and at University of Wuppertal from 2019-2021. I completed my PhD with distinction in 2020 at University of Wuppertal under the supervision of Tibor Jager and with Colin Boyd as second examiner. I hold a bachelor's and master's degree in IT Security and Information Engineering from Ruhr University Bochum, which I completed from 2012-2015 and 2015-2017 respectively.

My research interests lie at the intersection of theoretical and real-world cryptography, where I enjoy analyzing and improving the security of real-world communication protocols. This includes, e.g., the analysis of complex protocols such as the WhatsApp end-to-end encrypted backup protocol, developing efficient protocols with tailored security properties, or investigating if certain security properties are even possible to achieve in practice (and how to potentially evade impossibility results).

Honors and Awards

Media Coverage

Independent Teaching Experience

During my time at the University of Wuppertal, I have independently taught the following courses:

  • Grundlagen der IT-Sicherheit (WiSe 2022/23, WiSe 2023/24)
  • Moderne Kryptographie (SoSe 2022, SoSe 2023, SoSe 2024)
  • Effiziente Implementierung kryptographischer Verfahren (WiSe 2020/21, WiSe 2021/22, WiSe 2022/23)
  • Communication Security for Modern Applications (SoSe 2021)

In addition, I have independently supervised and examined > 10 bachelor's and master's theses.

Academic Service

I have served as an external reviewer for the following conferences and journals:

  • 2023: ASIACRYPT, CCS, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, ISC
  • 2022: EUROCRYPT, CRYPTO, ESORICS, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
  • 2021: IEEE S&P, ESORICS, ITC
  • 2020: Journal of Cryptology, ASIACRYPT, ASIACCS, ISC
  • 2018: CCS, ACNS, CT-RSA
  • 2017: PKC, ISC

Peer-Reviewed Publications







Doctoral Dissertation

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