Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager

Accepted Paper to the Journal of Cryptology

04.01.2021|10:55 Uhr

The research paper "Session Resumption Protocols and Efficient Forward Security for TLS 1.3 0-RTT" by Kai Gellert, Tibor Jager and Nimrod Aviram (Tel Aviv University) has been accepted to the Journal of Cryptology.

This work investigates 0-RTT session resumption protocols, which enable a fest and secure resumption of past Internet connections, without the need to perform a fresh and expensive key exchange protocol. We show that it is possible to resume sessions with minimal latency and without sacrificing strong security properties such as forward security. The developed protocol can be directely integrated into existing Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol implementations without the need to modify its standard.

This work is the full version of a paper that has been published at Eurocrypt 2019, one of the flagship conferences in cryptography. Our extended version will now also be published in the Journal of Cryptology, the leading journal in the area of cryptology.